After scouring through the game files you get it from Crafting goblin crotch 4 (Puffy Lips). It requires a gold reagent and gives +2 magnetic to a resident (as well as the use in the Moss-covered ruins with a particular kind of lock).
Just a few quick notes, since comments aren't enabled yet on the 0.2.12 changelog.
First of all - Fell Dungeon did not give me a character card for clearing it. First clear only netted Essence, as if it had been a repeat. :/ And Sess'Harx needs her card, because it deserves to be... appreciated.
The dungeons in general are a nice addition, but at the same time what we have is a bit underwhelming. "They contain no story elements - just opponents in your way and rewards to pick up!" I certainly can understand them not being tied to the main story, but... having nothing to read? Nothing at all??? It just feels wrong. Especially in THIS game.
I've long come to accept that regular combat in this game is anything but challenging, but I had hopes the boss battles might prove an interesting tactical exercise, at least. Something to feel good about beating. Arwin has damage potential, but - at least the two times I've fought her - never attacks from more than one source at a time. Far too easy to parry, or even just ignore and tank it. Blu has impressive armor, and with the unbalance in her leg armor, does a fair job to stymie reliance on Blade Flurry or Dodge, but a simple bit of focus sees her defeated without any fuss. (It's also a crime that Blu can't be bred, but... I digress.) Sess'Harx has lots of delicious flesh, but that's it. Just hit on... I mean, attack her a few extra times and it's over.
None of the bosses even managed to break through a single one of my armor locations, and I'm NOT an armor-focused character. All of the bosses are just slightly tougher versions of "Elite" enemies you faced in a different dungeon... which are, themselves, just slightly tougher versions of regular enemies you faced already. Hardly worthy of being considered bosses. Could you massively increase their HP / Armor / Damage again to turn them into tougher fights? Sure, but... if you want them to be interesting and memorable challenges, they really need some extra gimmick to make them actually threatening. Or at least a bit of a puzzle.
I realize I should probably start a fresh character, because natural progression makes the MC ridiculously overpowered without even trying. Even starting fresh, however, you get to the point where this level of combat is trivial very quickly.
And, yes, I understand that combat is not the main draw of this game. But like I said at the start - not having anything to read here just feels wrong. This puts undue focus on the combat - which is disappointingly simple - and the rewards - which are... well, collecting some new items (and new cards, though Sess'Harx still needs hers) was at least a fair draw at first, but most don't warrant repeated runs.
This one is spectacular! The writing, storytelling, and worldbuilding are worthy of an HBO fantasy series. The characters' development and unique voices are so well done. The game engine element adds to the fun for me.
Wondering if you have any plans for male content in the future, and if not, alternatively if you would have modding options or ways to add our own content to the game. I love this game and can't wait for each update, but I think it would make it even better to have mods and add-ins that can be shared with others. Thanks for making such a great game!
Unsure why but when I go to my downloads it's not letting me unzip the folder as usual. I am getting routed into my browser to open the file and it's then wanting to open another tab for the file each time etc. Unsure if I did something wrong at install or if I just need to grab another piece of software to run it but anyone with advice would be appreciated.
Wow, I wasn't going to get any new games since I'm really busy with some work project stuff (that I'm *ahem* procrastinating right now *ahem*), but I stumbled on this and it looks just like my cup of tea. Also, as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Neuropsychologist with expert training and personal experience with depression, I'm really looking forward to checking this out in the next couple weeks.
I don't find the combat or the resource management parts of it very fun, but I really love the story events with the girls. The writing is very good throughout. And as a person who suffers from serious depression, I very much liked the way you handled that part.
Well this game kind of came out of nowhere for me. Gave it a shot when it came across my feed as another developer I follow gave it a good five stars. The writing is really good the art is beautiful and so far I'm enjoying exploring. Though I will say I have One Singular complaint that takes a bit of explaining. The main character needs an offhand slot for equipment. Despite what rising of The Shield hero and Captain America will make you think a shield is not a main weapon and should not take the place of a sword as well as a sword breaker is a offhand weapon meant to in theory catch the blade of a Rapier and also should not be a main weapon. I wouldn't mind seeing a future update with an offhand slot where these items would instead boost things like fortitude as well increase armor for the midsection maybe adding extra damage when parrying for the swordbreaker.
In my opinion this is one of those games where you play through it thinking, "Yeah this is okay" and then you finish it and you realize just how good it was. I've played practically every text based game on itch and this is one of like two that have had accurate depictions of depression. Literally the only character I didn't like was Melrose and that wasn't even because of bad writing, I just didn't like how familiar she was with the mc. Anyways, amazing job, keep it up.
Impressive game! I appreciate that the combat system is simple but still has interesting choices. It takes some time to understand many of the available talents and especially the residents' abilities, but the game has a very strong beginning and it's good to introduce these details gradually.
What exactly do the various character stats do? The description under each isn't very detailed and I want to know what each actually does before investing skillpoints into them.
They increase the amount of resources a character earns when performing certain jobs (the job description says which skills it uses) and are sometimes used in pass/fail skill checks.
This game is absolutely worth paying for! It is well written, the chicks are hot, and it is one of the best (of these) games I've seen. However, my only gripe is that you don't get to have any real fun with the main women (so far). I hope that changes in the future. Other than that, hight recommended!!!
Absolutely love this game. One of the few where I had to restart after skipping because I got hooked on the story. I also quite enjoy the MC, he has a story before we were a part of his life. It adds so much depth to the game. All in all, I quite like the game and would recommend it. Thank you, Developer, for making this gem.
I really enjoy the story so far. The prose is generally excellent, but I have a few criticisms: namely the goofy descriptions of lewd things. It takes away from an otherwise potentially character building or provocative scene when you call it "batter" or breasts "orbs".
Also I find it odd how you don't seem to have an explanation for why our ostensibly normal human protagonist is capable of producing obscene amounts of fluid. A curse, mutation or spell to fuel that particular fetish could go a long way.
I've seen you have changed the requirements for the Aspect of Obsession, and it's good because I didn't see myself ever getting her but is there a way to manipulate your stats ingame more indepth? I know buildings give increases, and event randomly give and take, but is there some item/shop that allows to decrease some stats so that your max stats don't have to be through the roof to compensate for having built the buildings early as recommended?
Other than that, really cool game, I'm a bit miffed about the use of AI art but it fits the universe of the game to get those twisted creatures and landscapes, and other reasons that makes me justify its use I can't be arsed to elaborate. Keep up the great work.
First of all, love the game. Appreciate your attention to the story and characters, not just the sexy parts. Not enough adult games realize that balance makes it better (imo), so I think you definitely hit the spot with that.
HOWEVER! the fucking music POPS off! it's like that meme "we just need background music for an adult text-based rpg" and then that picture of the guy on a flaming piano on a beach? yeah, Idk why it's so epic but I love the music. Is that original or...? would love to have a source if not
Amazing so far. The right amount of text on the screen, a good amount of action, the characters are interesting, the format is easy to read (for the most part, here are a few spots where letters went off the screen just a bit or there were typos). Over all, 5/5 so far though and I'm very much waiting patiently for the next update.
Joiplay (basically an emulator for RPG-maker and Ren'Py games made for PC which can be found on the playstore) can handle it pretty well, needs the Ren'Py plugin (also on the play store) though
Damn... Have you tried installing from their official site? Maybe playstore blocks it without good reason ( has a download over mega where you would then need to open with data manager and enable installation of unknown sources, but stuff like that has worked with some games for me)
I finally gave this one a try and I have to say, I'm seriously surprised by how creative the whole concept is, and beyond that just how good it is. The writing and the art fit together perfectly from conception to execution. That might be in part because (educated guess on my part) that the realities of using AI image generation means that the writing and the art both inform each other rather than the usual art derived from writing method. But together it just... works.
And I don't mean in a gameplay sense. Just as an example, the idea of using malformed images for enemies - and giving them a well-written in-universe reason to be so - is such an interesting way of avoiding the pitfalls of image generation. This, among other things, gives it that dream-like quality that I have always adored about this kind of shifting-reality fantasy. What could have been detrimental instead ends up being part of the charm, and there are quite a few little details like this.
A little bit of a rant here (bear with me), but story-wise it relies on a host of tropes that I have always found to be trite at best when it comes to this kind of game. The whole being sent to another world shtick, being the only (or mostly, anyway) man in the world, especially the magical reproduction, et cetera. To me these are synonymous with writing somewhere around the level of bathroom graffiti even individually, let alone all together.
But all these cliches that I normally avoid like the plague are somehow endearing here. It's like you saw all the same problems I did, but instead of hating these ideas you instead decided to redeem them. And I am glad you did, because they it seems they actually had real value, but more than that they clearly deserved far better than their usual treatment!
Anyway, I mention this specifically because I hate all those tropes, and yet I love what you've managed to do with them. And if someone who doesn't even like half of the basic premise (though admittedly I am a sucker for this particular brand of fantasy world) still can't help but admit that the end result is good, then you've obviously made something special.
Hey I just wanted to say this game was surprisingly good. I understand that you're still working on stuff so there's gonna be issues but my playthrough was smooth and the writing is excellent. Not to mention the artwork.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Game crashed after talking to a purple mist head lady in a pocket dimention located behind the gateway. We talked about all subject, last was "purpose, the unmade, and lack of female giving birth". I hope this incomplete report helps.
Other than that that is a cool game. Keep up the good work.
โ Return to game
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The "Unmade Killed" status is bugged, it is not counting combats in the dungeon.
Where do you get the heirloom for the lizardwoman?
random chance from mining
where can the sextoy be found?
Same question here.
After scouring through the game files you get it from Crafting goblin crotch 4 (Puffy Lips). It requires a gold reagent and gives +2 magnetic to a resident (as well as the use in the Moss-covered ruins with a particular kind of lock).
That didn't work for me.
Where can the ruby for bonnie be found?
It frequently drops from the bandits' random encounters in the city.
At this point in time its probably a very easy encounter for you.
How do you unlock the gallery pic in page 2 bottom right? Got everything else except for this..
Anybody know where to get the ruby, does not seem to drop from exploring the city?
You need to check out the pond where you can fish or something. Try a few times, I found the ruby there.
Game is fun so far, but crashes a lot
Just a few quick notes, since comments aren't enabled yet on the 0.2.12 changelog.
First of all - Fell Dungeon did not give me a character card for clearing it. First clear only netted Essence, as if it had been a repeat. :/ And Sess'Harx needs her card, because it deserves to be... appreciated.
The dungeons in general are a nice addition, but at the same time what we have is a bit underwhelming. "They contain no story elements - just opponents in your way and rewards to pick up!" I certainly can understand them not being tied to the main story, but... having nothing to read? Nothing at all??? It just feels wrong. Especially in THIS game.
I've long come to accept that regular combat in this game is anything but challenging, but I had hopes the boss battles might prove an interesting tactical exercise, at least. Something to feel good about beating. Arwin has damage potential, but - at least the two times I've fought her - never attacks from more than one source at a time. Far too easy to parry, or even just ignore and tank it. Blu has impressive armor, and with the unbalance in her leg armor, does a fair job to stymie reliance on Blade Flurry or Dodge, but a simple bit of focus sees her defeated without any fuss. (It's also a crime that Blu can't be bred, but... I digress.) Sess'Harx has lots of delicious flesh, but that's it. Just hit on... I mean, attack her a few extra times and it's over.
None of the bosses even managed to break through a single one of my armor locations, and I'm NOT an armor-focused character. All of the bosses are just slightly tougher versions of "Elite" enemies you faced in a different dungeon... which are, themselves, just slightly tougher versions of regular enemies you faced already. Hardly worthy of being considered bosses. Could you massively increase their HP / Armor / Damage again to turn them into tougher fights? Sure, but... if you want them to be interesting and memorable challenges, they really need some extra gimmick to make them actually threatening. Or at least a bit of a puzzle.
I realize I should probably start a fresh character, because natural progression makes the MC ridiculously overpowered without even trying. Even starting fresh, however, you get to the point where this level of combat is trivial very quickly.
And, yes, I understand that combat is not the main draw of this game. But like I said at the start - not having anything to read here just feels wrong. This puts undue focus on the combat - which is disappointingly simple - and the rewards - which are... well, collecting some new items (and new cards, though Sess'Harx still needs hers) was at least a fair draw at first, but most don't warrant repeated runs.
This one is spectacular! The writing, storytelling, and worldbuilding are worthy of an HBO fantasy series. The characters' development and unique voices are so well done. The game engine element adds to the fun for me.
Well done!
Wondering if you have any plans for male content in the future, and if not, alternatively if you would have modding options or ways to add our own content to the game. I love this game and can't wait for each update, but I think it would make it even better to have mods and add-ins that can be shared with others. Thanks for making such a great game!
Holy fuck, where has this game been all my life? Oh right - behind my "for Mac" platform filter.
The cover blurb calls it a "pen and paper RPG" - does that mean the platform information is misleading, or is the blurb out of date?
Unsure why but when I go to my downloads it's not letting me unzip the folder as usual. I am getting routed into my browser to open the file and it's then wanting to open another tab for the file each time etc. Unsure if I did something wrong at install or if I just need to grab another piece of software to run it but anyone with advice would be appreciated.
Download 7Zip (it's free) to extract it, rar files aren't extractable by windows
Wow, I wasn't going to get any new games since I'm really busy with some work project stuff (that I'm *ahem* procrastinating right now *ahem*), but I stumbled on this and it looks just like my cup of tea.
Also, as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Neuropsychologist with expert training and personal experience with depression, I'm really looking forward to checking this out in the next couple weeks.
I don't find the combat or the resource management parts of it very fun, but I really love the story events with the girls. The writing is very good throughout. And as a person who suffers from serious depression, I very much liked the way you handled that part.
Well this game kind of came out of nowhere for me. Gave it a shot when it came across my feed as another developer I follow gave it a good five stars. The writing is really good the art is beautiful and so far I'm enjoying exploring. Though I will say I have One Singular complaint that takes a bit of explaining. The main character needs an offhand slot for equipment. Despite what rising of The Shield hero and Captain America will make you think a shield is not a main weapon and should not take the place of a sword as well as a sword breaker is a offhand weapon meant to in theory catch the blade of a Rapier and also should not be a main weapon. I wouldn't mind seeing a future update with an offhand slot where these items would instead boost things like fortitude as well increase armor for the midsection maybe adding extra damage when parrying for the swordbreaker.
In my opinion this is one of those games where you play through it thinking, "Yeah this is okay" and then you finish it and you realize just how good it was. I've played practically every text based game on itch and this is one of like two that have had accurate depictions of depression. Literally the only character I didn't like was Melrose and that wasn't even because of bad writing, I just didn't like how familiar she was with the mc. Anyways, amazing job, keep it up.
misses something like an endless tower where you can fight enemies with rising difficulty
is there transformation in this game?
Impressive game! I appreciate that the combat system is simple but still has interesting choices. It takes some time to understand many of the available talents and especially the residents' abilities, but the game has a very strong beginning and it's good to introduce these details gradually.
What exactly do the various character stats do? The description under each isn't very detailed and I want to know what each actually does before investing skillpoints into them.
They increase the amount of resources a character earns when performing certain jobs (the job description says which skills it uses) and are sometimes used in pass/fail skill checks.
This game is absolutely worth paying for! It is well written, the chicks are hot, and it is one of the best (of these) games I've seen. However, my only gripe is that you don't get to have any real fun with the main women (so far). I hope that changes in the future. Other than that, hight recommended!!!
Absolutely love this game. One of the few where I had to restart after skipping because I got hooked on the story. I also quite enjoy the MC, he has a story before we were a part of his life. It adds so much depth to the game. All in all, I quite like the game and would recommend it. Thank you, Developer, for making this gem.
I really enjoy the story so far. The prose is generally excellent, but I have a few criticisms: namely the goofy descriptions of lewd things. It takes away from an otherwise potentially character building or provocative scene when you call it "batter" or breasts "orbs".
Also I find it odd how you don't seem to have an explanation for why our ostensibly normal human protagonist is capable of producing obscene amounts of fluid. A curse, mutation or spell to fuel that particular fetish could go a long way.
Nice game good job
I play it on my phone with joiplay but i have two black side bar can i remove them ?
I've seen you have changed the requirements for the Aspect of Obsession, and it's good because I didn't see myself ever getting her but is there a way to manipulate your stats ingame more indepth? I know buildings give increases, and event randomly give and take, but is there some item/shop that allows to decrease some stats so that your max stats don't have to be through the roof to compensate for having built the buildings early as recommended?
Other than that, really cool game, I'm a bit miffed about the use of AI art but it fits the universe of the game to get those twisted creatures and landscapes, and other reasons that makes me justify its use I can't be arsed to elaborate. Keep up the great work.
First of all, love the game. Appreciate your attention to the story and characters, not just the sexy parts. Not enough adult games realize that balance makes it better (imo), so I think you definitely hit the spot with that.
HOWEVER! the fucking music POPS off! it's like that meme "we just need background music for an adult text-based rpg" and then that picture of the guy on a flaming piano on a beach? yeah, Idk why it's so epic but I love the music. Is that original or...? would love to have a source if not
Amazing so far. The right amount of text on the screen, a good amount of action, the characters are interesting, the format is easy to read (for the most part, here are a few spots where letters went off the screen just a bit or there were typos). Over all, 5/5 so far though and I'm very much waiting patiently for the next update.
Any plans for Android compatibility?
Joiplay (basically an emulator for RPG-maker and Ren'Py games made for PC which can be found on the playstore) can handle it pretty well, needs the Ren'Py plugin (also on the play store) though
Ren'py on the play store is not available. It says its too old for my device.
Damn... Have you tried installing from their official site? Maybe playstore blocks it without good reason ( has a download over mega where you would then need to open with data manager and enable installation of unknown sources, but stuff like that has worked with some games for me)
I didn't even know that they had a site.
Thanks for that, mate! I'll let you know how it turns out.
We're good.
I finally gave this one a try and I have to say, I'm seriously surprised by how creative the whole concept is, and beyond that just how good it is. The writing and the art fit together perfectly from conception to execution. That might be in part because (educated guess on my part) that the realities of using AI image generation means that the writing and the art both inform each other rather than the usual art derived from writing method. But together it just... works.
And I don't mean in a gameplay sense. Just as an example, the idea of using malformed images for enemies - and giving them a well-written in-universe reason to be so - is such an interesting way of avoiding the pitfalls of image generation. This, among other things, gives it that dream-like quality that I have always adored about this kind of shifting-reality fantasy. What could have been detrimental instead ends up being part of the charm, and there are quite a few little details like this.
A little bit of a rant here (bear with me), but story-wise it relies on a host of tropes that I have always found to be trite at best when it comes to this kind of game. The whole being sent to another world shtick, being the only (or mostly, anyway) man in the world, especially the magical reproduction, et cetera. To me these are synonymous with writing somewhere around the level of bathroom graffiti even individually, let alone all together.
But all these cliches that I normally avoid like the plague are somehow endearing here. It's like you saw all the same problems I did, but instead of hating these ideas you instead decided to redeem them. And I am glad you did, because they it seems they actually had real value, but more than that they clearly deserved far better than their usual treatment!
Anyway, I mention this specifically because I hate all those tropes, and yet I love what you've managed to do with them. And if someone who doesn't even like half of the basic premise (though admittedly I am a sucker for this particular brand of fantasy world) still can't help but admit that the end result is good, then you've obviously made something special.
Hey I just wanted to say this game was surprisingly good. I understand that you're still working on stuff so there's gonna be issues but my playthrough was smooth and the writing is excellent. Not to mention the artwork.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Just out of curiosity where can I go to see the pics
Game crashed after talking to a purple mist head lady in a pocket dimention located behind the gateway. We talked about all subject, last was "purpose, the unmade, and lack of female giving birth". I hope this incomplete report helps.
Other than that that is a cool game. Keep up the good work.
Damned good work! I like the character and the story!